Critical pedagogies and university: A look situated from the territory in an intersectional perspective


Jessica Visotsky, Universidad Nacional del Sur; Sonia Sapini, Universidad Nacional del Sur; Carlos Rodrigues Brandão; Moacir Gadotti; VV. AA.


historial social, historial oral, educación con adultos, educación popular, gestión obrera, política educativa


This book is born from meetings, walks and shared experiences in the spaces of the Pedagogy II, Education and Human Rights chairs, and from the research project Critical Pedagogies, intersectionalities and human rights: a look at the territory from participatory research and qualitative methodologies 1 . And it is our intention to recover the reflections, dialogues and construction of knowledge with the different actors, groups and collectives with whom we walked those steps.



September 1, 2021

Details about this monograph

Co-publisher's ISBN-13 (24)
