Traces of memories: Collectivizing the memory and memories of the disappeared and murdered comrades of the UNS in the last genocide


Jessica Visotsky
Universidad Nacional del Sur
Sandra Alarcón
Universidad Nacional del Sur


genocidio, universidad, dictadura militar, dictadura cívico-militar, Argentina, UNS


*This book was made in collaboration with Revista nuestrAmérica, ISSN 0719-3092, from Concepción, Chile.


We share this book, which is the result of a Collective Memory space, generated from the research project "Critical pedagogies and human rights: an approach from qualitative methodologies, enography and Oral History". The purpose of it was to work around the stories and life stories of students and workers of the National University of the South who disappeared or were killed by the last genocide in our country, considered collectively as the subject of education. On the one hand, students, graduates, teachers, family members and friends of the disappeared comrades participated in its design and coordination; and on the other, remembering, family and friends of the disappeared comrades. The work is part of a broader one that we have been developing for more than two decades around the reconstruction of those names and those militancies and contexts. We understood, and especially in a context of deepening denialism, that generating memory construction spaces that promote intergenerational communication was extremely valuable from its social relevance.



November 28, 2018

Details about this monograph

Co-publisher's ISBN-13 (24)
