Voices of inclusion: Interpellations and criticisms of the idea of school inclusion


Irazema Edith Ramírez Hernández


educación ciudadana, enseñanza pública, evaluación, inclusión, crítica


*This book —which we published in 2016— was a collaboration with theBenemérita Escuela Normal Veracruzana (México) and the journal Voces de la Educación, ISSN 2448-6248. The content was edited by the Voces de la Educación journal team.


Educational inclusion is not a pedagogical fashion, it is a real educational need. Despite the polysemy of the term "inclusion", a common idea that underlies all the texts in this book is the effective integration of students through knowledge, in order to do social justice, recognizing the difference of all people, based on Human Rights. The variety of approaches to this topic, as well as the geographical diversity in terms of the origin of the authors, helps us to situate ourselves and understand that educational inclusion is not limited only to the care of students with SEN. In reality, all students, being different, require specific attention. However, the social inequalities and cultural prejudices that prevail today make it urgent to turn our gaze and focus the practice on those who, for different reasons, are in a situation of greater disadvantage and vulnerability.


September 12, 2016

Details about this monograph

Co-publisher's ISBN-13 (24)
