Hegemony-subalternity in the social history of education: Reflections in adult literacy centers in Bahía Blanca-Argentina between 1999 and 2003


Jessica Visotsky
Universidad Nacional del Sur


historia social, educación de adultos, praxis, política, historia oral


This book was built from a thesis presented as part of the requirements to qualify for the academic degree of Doctor of History at the Universidad Nacional del Sur —Argentina—. It was original research that had not previously been submitted for any other university degree. The book contains the results obtained in research carried out at the Patagonian Documentation Center dependent on the Department of Humanities during the period between 2001 and 2010, under the direction of the Independent Researcher of CONICET (Category III), Doctor in History, Graciela Hernández .
In the book we approach —from the Gramscian and Freirean theoretical perspectives— the problem of hegemony-subalternity relationships present in the pedagogical processes that occur throughout the life trajectories of men and women who attended Adult Literacy Centers .


  • Prólogo
  • Presentación
  • Parte 1: Introducción
  • Parte 2: Objetivos del trabajo
  • Parte 3: Perspectiva teórica-metodológica
  • Parte 4: Resultados y discusión acerca de los recorridos por las memorias subalternas
  • Parte 5: Palabras para el cierre
  • Parte 6: Bibliografía general

Author Biography

Jessica Visotsky, Universidad Nacional del Sur

Doctora en historia. Posdoctorada en Ciencias Humanas y Sociales. Académica del Departamento de Ciencias de la Educación. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Bahía Blanca, Argentina jessicavisotsky@yahoo.com.ar



September 21, 2022

Details about this monograph

ISBN-13 (15)
