Work at whatever, fix on your own: Tensions, adaptive forms and critical actions in the labor experience of Paraguayans in Buenos Aires


Giovanny Gilberto Leal Roncancio


migrantes, derechos humanos, Colombia, Argentina


This book is the product of the doctoral thesis entitled “Labour paths, grammars and critical skills of Paraguayan workers in Buenos Aires (Pe mba´apo opa mba´ereipe ha pe jehecha pende jehe – in Guarani language)” (Working at whatever , arrange on your own) submitted by its author to the National University of General Sarmiento (UNGS) and the Institute of Economic and Social Development (IDES) to opt for the degree of Doctor of Social Sciences. Buenos Aires, Argentina. The research focuses its gaze on the situations of crisis or problem that are emerging throughout the journeys and labor experiences of migrants from Paraguay in Argentina, which are inscribed, in turn, in situations of high uncertainty and complexity given by instabilities, anxieties, fears, contradictions, but that are also often triggers of practical knowledge, strategies, individual and collective actions that the actors anticipate, to reduce that uncertainty and expand their capacities for action in the workplace.



January 18, 2022

Details about this monograph

Co-publisher's ISBN-13 (24)
